People who have "seen" God

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confused_searching's picture
People who have "seen" God

From what I understand, aethism is the belief, or if not belief, the conclusion that God does not exist. But, for the sake of discussion, what about people who have claimed to have seen God? The entire mormon religion bases their belief on the account of Joseph Smith, who stated that he saw God and Jesus Christ when he was fourteen years old.

And yes, you've probably figured out my background in religion.

But I'm sure that there are other accounts of people who have seen God from many different religions- I do need to do the research.

But I'm just curious. What's the answer you would give for these claims? Are these people delusional? Are they making some sort of statement to garner power and followers? What would be the point of claiming to have seen God, the ultimate proof that He does in fact exist?

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Spewer's picture
That almost seems like a
efpierce's picture
I think that was just their
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I would assume it was in
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It is just what their minds
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"There have been verified
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All those who claim to have
silasmotionless's picture
I believe they are either

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