Pennsylvania couple sees 'Jesus' in ultrasound of baby

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xenoview's picture
Pennsylvania couple sees 'Jesus' in ultrasound of baby

I think it's the baby's hand. Tell me what you think.

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Randomhero1982's picture
Even if it was, why would you

Even if it was, why would you be happy that the ghost of a fucking zombie was in your unborn child ultrasound?!

Id rather wake up to the blurry view of a sinisterly smiling bill cosby.

Alembé's picture
It looks like a youthful

It looks like a youthful Jabba the Hutt to me.

CyberLN's picture
What is most upsetting to me

What is most upsetting to me about this, is that it was actually reported by a news agency.

WilfDisney's picture
Looks more like Charles

Looks more like Charles Manson to me.

chimp3's picture
I hope on their child's day

I hope on their child's day of birth that 1000,000 Christian crazies are waiting for them when they get home from the hospital!

mykcob4's picture
@ 5 I saw the devil in a bowl

@ 5 I saw the devil in a bowl of spinach and god in a piece of chocolate cake. Being the brainwashed kid that I was I chose god over the devil.
Point being that we see hear what we want to see and hear.

Flamenca's picture



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LostLocke's picture
I love how these "sightings"

I love how these "sightings" of Jesus is almost always invariably the white Euro-centric Jesus. It's never the "real" Jesus, a dark Middle-Easterner that would probably be able to pass for Osama bin Laden.

MCDennis's picture
jesus people are stupid

jesus people are stupid

LostLocke's picture
I was going to ask for a

I was going to ask for a comma, as in....
Jesus, people are stupid
Jesus people, are stupid

Then I realized it's half a dozen of one six of the other. :P

algebe's picture
Child abuse starts early in

Child abuse starts early in religious families.

mykcob4's picture
Every time I do yard work I

Every time I do yard work I wear a t-shirt with a name tag that says "Jesus."

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