I had an great conversation with my daughters boyfriend (Lenny) the other day about God, death, music, atheism & DMT over coffee. Dad of the year over here!
Anyway, I hope I can find a way to clearly articulate this thought.
Most of us on the forum have watched as Hitch, Dawkins, Harris, etc have absolutely carpet bombed theologians in debates time and time again. What's odd is that during this conversation with Lenny, I realized that when I WAS a believer, I had myself convinced that the fact that an atheist could so easily dismantle a theists arguments somehow gave credibility to the theist. Since the atheist relies on evidence I just saw them as lazy! At some point this changed. One day it's as if I just decided to stop burning all of this fuel on believing the unbelievable. It became clear that the path of least resistance can in fact, not just be the most pleasant one to take, but can truly be the best.
I hope this made sense. I've had a lot of coffee this morning so my thoughts feel a bit scattered.
Has anyone had a similar experience?
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