Pastor Says God Has “Given Trump Authority to Take Out Kim Jong-Un”

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xenoview's picture
Pastor Says God Has “Given Trump Authority to Take Out Kim Jong-Un”

This pastor is scary, he think god has given trump the right to start a nuclear war.

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Randomhero1982's picture
"Thou shalt not kill"

"Thou shalt not kill"

How wonderfully Christian of him...

xenoview's picture
Notice he said to use a

Notice he said to use a nuclear weapon to kill one man.

LogicFTW's picture
Damn, why do we have to share

Damn, why do we have to share this planet with crazies, and the people that vote the crazies in?

Randomhero1982's picture
What could possibly go wrong

What could possibly go wrong xenoview?


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mykcob4's picture
1) The Defense Intelligence

1) The Defense Intelligence Agency is the only Intelligence agency that says that North Korea has miniaturized nukes to fit on an ICBM.
All the other (16) agencies disagree entirely.
This is the same agency that said Iraq had WMDs when Iraq didn't even have a nuke program.
The DIA was headed by Ge. Flynn when it lied about Iraq WMDs and got him run out of the military.
2) Jeffrees is a total nut case. And has been for years. He always stirs up trouble, spews hate and prejudice, all to get his name in the headlines.
3) Trump is a low information short attention span moron whose wealth ONLY comes from branding. In other words, he is famous for no other reason than being famous.
That is the problem with this country. Stupid low information voters pay attention to nationalist populist authoritarians, propaganda mills (like FOX), and reality TV stars.
Sure North Korea is a problem. The sanctions that were imposed on them by even Russia and China will limit what they will do. Getting in a shooting war will just cause another mess like Iraq. A famous hallmark of republicans.

LogicFTW's picture
To expand on your excellent

To expand on your excellent post, The lower 48 mainland is well defended from 1 or 2 working, accurate ICBM's loaded with nukes or not. It is not perfect, but it is very likely the US can detect and shoot ballistic missiles out of the sky before they can detonate.

N. Korea is edging closer to working long range ICBM missiles and are probably less than a year off from delivering 100k kiloton nuclear bombs with precision to mainland US. But there is nothing they can do about US missile defense system that will continue to evolve as well. What N. Korea has is at best (or worst?), a 50/50 chance they could nuke one US city or military installation, which would result an immediate total defeat/annihilation of N. Korea's leadership and military installations within a week.

As crazy as Kim Jong Un is, at least his military leaders know if they fire a nuclear missile, they know it is a death sentence. Hell of a button to push, especially if they can't even be 50/50 sure their nuclear missiles will even detonate on their targets correctly.

Even if you are crazy and fanatical, pushing a button that will ensure everyone you know will die including yourself, (let alone all the innocent people the bomb it self will kill if it works.)

The US (and much of the world) military is very effective at wiping out standing armies and large state level systems like what N. Korea has. Only guerrilla warfare tactics like conflict in the middle east is at all effective against such military might such as US's.

The US wiped out iraq's/Hussein's army/military in a matter of hours, but basically lost the war against terrorist.

MCDennis's picture
Great. The sooner the better

Great. The sooner the better

ImFree's picture
Rick Joyner is also spouting

Rick Joyner is also spouting religious rhetoric on the topic of Korea. He is well infected with the god virus:

algebe's picture
I saw Trump yesterday

I saw Trump yesterday threatening North Korea with fire and fury. That's just the kind of emotive rhetoric to bring a tense situation to the boil. In fact, he sounded and looked just like Kim Jong-un.

North Korea isn't an island state in the middle of nowhere. It's right in the middle of one of the most densely populated regions on Earth. Any kind of nuclear action there would expose tens of millions to fallout. But few of them are Christian, so I guess that's a risk this Pastor is prepared to take.

MCDennis's picture
These were President Rump's

These were President Rump's off the cuff comments. Fire and fury... what a complete idiot.

kenan2002's picture
"Christianity is a religion

"Christianity is a religion of peace."

This guy is burned out like Trevor from GTA V

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