Parents fear students will get crash course on masturbation & anal sex

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Mitch's picture
Parents fear students will get crash course on masturbation & anal sex

"Incensed at a new sex education curriculum they say will be too graphic for young sensibilities, parents of thousands of GTA elementary students kept their children home from school Monday in protest, with a thousand taking placards and chants of “We Say No!” to Premier Kathleen Wynne’s riding office.

In Toronto, almost 35,000 students were absent, a leap of 144 per cent over the previous Monday."


Sex, sexuality, gender, and sexual health are hot-button issues, and religious adherents usually know where they stand with regards to these topics. Many of these parents have chosen to take a stand, and withhold their children from school. Do you agree, or disagree? Why?

What can society do, when religious values conflict with public health priorities? Are parents within their rights to withhold their children from public schools, and object to education on moral/ethical/religious grounds? If not what is the limit to what values society can impose on its members? If so, how much accommodation should society allow?

Additionally, does being atheist necessitate the acceptance of a range of sex, sexuality, and gender differences as a fact of life?

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Travis Hedglin's picture
Hmm. The article seems to
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The best book to understand

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