Pandas or Snakes

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Josh Payne's picture
Pandas or Snakes

So a quick chuckle for us atheist.

So whilst pondering the story of Adam and Eve I can't help but think about the snake(Lucifer). Personally I don't think it could of been a snake..Let's face it if you're a pansy like myself a talking snake would creep me the fuck out and anything it said I wouldn't give it the time of day. And let's face it snakes are not as cursed as the bible makes them out to be(btw why must all snakes be cursed when it was supposed to be Lucifer taking the form of a snake..It wasn't like it was every other snakes fault) However I digress..

Now let's look at an animal that has really had it bad ...The adorable Panda bear...I think we can all agree that we are more likely to listen to the advice of a cuddly panda..And let's face it pandas have it horribly..Hunted almost completly to extinction l..What few that reproduce end up eating their offspring.. Let's face it pandas are not doing so well..Maybe just maybe the panda was taken out and snakes were made for the scapegoat because they are more believable as the bad guy...

Little conspiracy theory for the bible/something I thought of while in line at panda express wondering exactly how do panda's taste?

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
A fun facts about the panda.
Josh Payne's picture
And hey let's face it..If you

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