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biggus dickus's picture

Yo bigg,ok not even I am going to joke about this. I'll just start here. I remember there used to be paedophile sites on the clear net.they have now completely vanished to the deep web. I decided to investigate a little further please note that I did not personally visited any of these sites. It turns out that there are intire paedophile community's where they upload and discuss there insanity and even rationalise I wish to know what your opinion is on paedophilia and whether you think its a choice?. Also if you by any means agree with them I believe the appropriate term is go fuck yourself.

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Endri Guri's picture
Pedophilia is a serious topic
xenoview's picture
Pedophilia is wrong and very
Nyarlathotep's picture
Technically pedophilia is a
BAACKJD's picture
What is BDSM? I'm afraid to
Kostas Louritis's picture
As far as i know the "People"
BAACKJD's picture
I don't know that fetishes
BAACKJD's picture
We had a student teacher when
ZeffD's picture
Endri probably referred to
BAACKJD's picture
Just like any problem,
algebe's picture
@JB God's country: "A society
mykcob4's picture
Okay, this isn't about
believeinanything's picture
It is a choice and if
Nyarlathotep's picture
Amy - It is a choice
Kostas Louritis's picture
I believe he means that is is
Sky Pilot's picture
Pedophilia, like other
algebe's picture
@DIotrephes: "It wasn't that
William00's picture
From powerful suction to

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