The Other God

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Mikhail_Bakunin's picture
The Other God

Everybody here rejects the imaginary god and pretend divinity in the sky.

Now if only you people can reject that secular god which calls itself government.

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Rob's picture
The problem is that this
SammyShazaam's picture
The government only has the
Mikhail_Bakunin's picture
Only because people allow
Zaphod's picture
Hmmm, never thought if it
Mikhail_Bakunin's picture
I did not mean to word it
efpierce's picture
Mikhail you have a very good
Mikhail_Bakunin's picture
Government is the new god and
firebolt's picture
With our new "god" we have
Mikhail_Bakunin's picture
Politicians are the new
CyberLN's picture
Define government. Is it
Mikhail_Bakunin's picture
Government is a tyrannical
CyberLN's picture
Wow. There is, in anything,
Mikhail_Bakunin's picture
Sounds to me that you're a
CyberLN's picture
Well, first, many assumptions
CyberLN's picture
Were Harvey Milk, Abraham
Mikhail_Bakunin's picture
If you support government in
CyberLN's picture
Here's the deal...if one goes
AU_Tyler_AU's picture
well put cyber. Mikhail are
Mikhail_Bakunin's picture
I'm just an anarchist and
CyberLN's picture
What's your citizenry? Are

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