Other evidence?

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mykcob4's picture
Other evidence?

Invariably we atheist come across theist that either want to debate issues or just proselytize. They have a problem though, that of evidence. Most theist rely on the bible as their only source of evidence and as evidence it isn't a good source, reliable or factual. Evidence in a court of law or in a scientific experiment/observation, cannot be used unless there is independent evidence. And evidence is not valid if it is self evidentiary. Example. I say that I am a god, and I give as evidence that I am the source. Not valid. When theist reference the bible they are failing in two ways, maybe more in providing evidence. The bible is self evidentiary or self proclaimed. 2) there is no independent supporting evidence or corroboration. 3) The bible they use is edited and corrupted and not good evidence. 4) The bible they use sites hearsay evidence not direct corroborated testimony.
I contend that theist cannot make valid claims as they have no supporting evidence to do so. They can believe what they want, but if they want to profess that belief they must by all accounts provide VALID evidence well corroborated and supported. They can't simple say for example that there were 500 witnesses to the resurrection of jesus.
1) The oldest bible says that only a few women went to the tomb and found it empty. Gospel of Mark Codex.
2) Only the bible is the source of this alleged event and it is invalid because it is self evidentiary.
Now I know I am preaching to the choir so to speak, but recently we had a thread started by a theist that professed to tell what we as atheist/agnostics do not know. Daniel used as evidence an invalid source, quotes from a modern bible. Those quotes weren't even accounts but rather dictatorial statements. I am always appalled by the arrogance of theist and their suppose evidence. I would LOVE to seem them tried for a high crime where by the prosecutor used the same invalid evidentiary method. They would scream to high heaven about it's lack of validity.
And here's the real rub. Since they made up their god the onus is upon them to prove their god. Everyone is BORN an atheist. You have to be brainwashed in some form to become a theist.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
It's like quoting a batman

It's like quoting a batman comic in an attempt to show that batman is real; it won't convince anyone who doesn't already believe.

mykcob4's picture
How funny but actually Batman

How funny but actually Batman WAS real. He was a New York Narcotics cop in the middle sixties. He was called Batman because like a bat he collard his perps at night concealing his identity AND he seem to have radar. Although the comic Batman was created in 1939 much earlier than the real Batman. There was indeed a real Batman. His name was David Greenberg. Robert Hantz was Robin BTW. From 1968 to 1972 they actually fought crime as New York Police officers.

ThePragmatic's picture
I adhere to the Napkin

I adhere to the Napkin religion. It's got all the proof it will ever need. It's true, it has to be, it says so right there on the napkin...


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mykcob4's picture


Dave Matson's picture
The first reason for

The first reason for rejecting god-nonsense is that everything we know about God is pure speculation. Nobody every went up there to interview the Big Guy and came back with a reliable report. God got his super-powers the same way that Superman did--by the stroke of a pen. A bunch of theologians, in a pre-scientific age, sat around and asked themselves what kind of powers a perfect being might have. The constraints of scientific reality were not around to check their wild flights of imagination. We can either believe in a guy with all these super-powers (pure, rank speculation which might even harbor contradictions) or we can believe in the well-tested and validated principles of science, principles checked and rechecked under extreme conditions by highly trained scientists using sophisticated instruments. This is not a tough choice for a totally rational mind. To overthrow well-grounded conclusions in favor of wild speculation is the hallmark of an irrational mind.

chimp3's picture
There is a disparity among

There is a disparity among believers when comparing ancient scriptures to modern claims of revelation. Fundamentalist Christians want us to take the Bible as literal and yet would dismiss any crazy person who comes to them on the street and says :

"I was held captive by this evil king and he put me and two others into a crematorium and tried to burn us for hours. God protected us and not a hair was singed. " - Daniel Chapter 3.

Or : "God told me that we are to marry only those of our own kind and to punish those that marry strangers. That is why I drove a spear through that inter-racial couple while they were making out in their tent." - Numbers 25

At some point reason shines through and even the gullible feel some doubt rising . The believers who fall for madmen like David Koresh or Marshall Applewhite are the fringe minority.

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