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Jason1974's picture

I know, I know, this subject has been thrashed like a dead horse. Christians sum it up in a few words, 'in the beginning(time), God created the heavens(space) and the earth(matter), the trinity if you like.
Now is it just me or is this very similar to the Big Bang theory apart from the God part. Correct me if I'm wrong, at one point science believed that the universe was eternal then came along Hubble and made his analysis for the Big Bang theory that the universe at one point was a singular form some 10 billions degrees farienheit and only a few millimetres in diameter, Then of course the Big Bang, the beggining, energy, matter came into existence. Now you got to admit that the similarities are either a coincidence or science and religion are connected in some way?
I'm not going to get into 'the before the Big Bang question'.

So basically the question is, could it be possible that science and God(religion) be compatible with each other?

Thank you

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Sapporo's picture
The singularity from which
SeniorCitizen007's picture
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Jason1974's picture
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Jason, you wrote, “you do
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"Now is it just me or is this
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Jason1974's picture
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" Anyone with a decent
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Jason74: Kataklismic
Jason1974's picture
The same can be said about
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So first you try to piggy
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Oh and on a current topic
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Nah sorry, please explain how
Sapporo's picture
Jason74: Oh and on a current
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I firmly believe in the
Sapporo's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Jason74 - ...the chances we


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