Origin of Religion?

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Travis Paskiewicz's picture
Origin of Religion?

First off I'm new here! Ok... Congratulate me later... I'm very amused at trying to figure out the exact origin of religion, and it's purpose. It seems to me that understanding its origin lends a bit to fully comprehending its function in societies. And as much as I know some of the more militant atheists would love to argue that religion serves no function, I'd have to point out that to the contrary because every major society has its own unique religion, it's served some purpose to the societies.

I've noticed about every form of religion, it does in fact seem to convey the society's morals. This really fascinates me, because religion I know is not a prerequisite for morality. In fact I think because most moral philosophy shares some commonalities, it may be more influenced more by human nature. As an example, most religions strictly advise against murder, a moral code that never seems to extend too far outside the society. I'd point out that both the Bible and the Q'uran have "though shalt not kill" laws. Two cultures that lived by this rule it seems would be bussom buddies. But history tells us this is a very poor assumption, as these "peaceful" cultures are actually bitter enemies at various points in time. Point being, these "moral" codes aren't taken literally. I think they that behaviorally, moral codes serve the function of strengthening group ties. These niceties aren't meant to be extended outside of tribes, and in reality and history they never have been. I think it can be exemplified by this quote from Pirates of the Caribbean as spoken by Captain Barbosa to Elizabeth Turner "First, you have to be a pirate to parley. Second, their not rules... Their more like guidelines." Now, on top of the society leaders dealing out punishment for undesirable behaviors, toss in an all seeing all powerful entity that deals punishment to individuals not only in this world but a theoretical next life as well.

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cookymonster1103's picture
You make some really good
mysticrose's picture
I think religion started when
Spewer's picture
I think the origin of
SammyShazaam's picture
I definitely think that our
mattyn's picture
I think Spewer is on to
gardenerclematis's picture
I think all the ideas shared
Zaphod's picture
A lot of good points brought
SammyShazaam's picture
Coping with guilt is an
SammyShazaam's picture
Hi Travis!
firebolt's picture
I was going to chime in and
ginamoon's picture
I think religions are made or
efpierce's picture
Exactly! It's more helpful to
mysticrose's picture
Religious people feels better
Shock of God's picture
History cannot tell us when
SammyShazaam's picture
Truth? I also think not.
Shock of God's picture
The standing belief in a
SammyShazaam's picture
I'll ask again what were
PsychoSarah's picture
This is outright wrong.
Shock of God's picture
That's exactly what I'm
PsychoSarah's picture
Actually, there were
SammyShazaam's picture
See? Once you challenge him,
PsychoSarah's picture
Yeah, I have noticed that
Shock of God's picture
The polytheistic Egyptian
SammyShazaam's picture
You're once again wrong.
Shock of God's picture
Everything that you've
SammyShazaam's picture
Then I think you must have
CyberLN's picture
I don't think any one of us
mysticrose's picture
Pagan religions I think are
Landon Haynes's picture
“Why did ancients think god
Landon Haynes's picture
Just like a child is not born


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