Opinions on Rajiv Parti and his experience?

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Russian-Tank's picture
Opinions on Rajiv Parti and his experience?

A man raised Hindu, had cancer, pain, had an OBE which he claims was verified (heard a doctor tell a joke, then went all the way from the US hospital to India to see his mom and sister, they were sitting in a particular place discussing dinner and he got their clothing right)

then he claims he saw all these realms first hell (had a similar description with demons and getting tortured) but got rescued by his dad
then he had a life review and saw his past lives

then he met angels (not hindu gods) who took him to a beautiful realm

here is his story


its only the first 7 minutes.

Do you buy this because his descpriptions of heaven and hell match most descriptions?

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chimp3's picture
Sorry RT! Life is too short

Sorry RT! Life is too short to waste seven minutes on this bullshit.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Russian-Tank - A man raised

Russian-Tank - A man raised Hindu...Do you buy this because his descpriptions of heaven and hell match most descriptions?

Are you suggesting that this guy wasn't exposed to the concept of heaven and hell before his NDE?

Nyarlathotep's picture
Russian-Tank -...had an OBE

Russian-Tank -...had an OBE which he claims was verified...

Verified by whom?

I can verify that I'm the potato king of Mars. What does that matter?

Russian-Tank's picture
but again, he saw demons. I

but again, he saw demons. I researched hell concepts in different cultures and I cannot find any with multiple demons torturing and mocking people, yet all these hellish NDEs seem to have them. Doesn't that mean they are consistent?

Nyarlathotep's picture
Russian-Tank - I researched

Russian-Tank - I researched hell concepts in different cultures and I cannot find any with multiple demons torturing and mocking people

Read the Inferno. You can read it for free here.

Russian-Tank's picture
Nyarlhotep, what percentage

Nyarlhotep, what percentage odds would you give of hell being real?

Nyarlathotep's picture


Probably similar odds to:

  • Atlantis
  • Heaven
  • Lemuria
  • Mount Olympus
  • Elysian Fields
  • Asgard
algebe's picture
Mount Olympus is real. But I

Mount Olympus is real. But I don't think there are any gods on it. And the Elysian Fields are real, too. You'll find them in Paris, where they're called the "Champs Elysees."

mykcob4's picture
@Russian Tank

@Russian Tank
Did you ever read Dante's Inferno?

Russian-Tank's picture
I skimmed through it on the

I skimmed through it on the link algebe provided. I have seen pictures associated with it. However, I haven't read it in detail. I couldn't find too much reference to demons in it, are there supposed to be demons in it?

Nyarlathotep's picture
Russian-Tank - I couldn't

Russian-Tank - I couldn't find too much reference to demons in it, are there supposed to be demons in it?

Well maybe start here:

Wikipedia: Malebranche - The Malebranche ... are the demons in the Inferno of Dante's Divine Comedy who guard Bolgia Five of the Eighth Circle.... They figure in Cantos XXI, XXII, and XXIII. Vulgar and quarrelsome, their duty is to force the corrupt politicians ... to stay under the surface of a boiling lake of pitch.

biggus dickus's picture
You may like this. https:/
algebe's picture
Would you be interested in

Would you be interested in buying some real estate that I happen to own? It's a large iron tower in a prime location in central Paris. Or perhaps I could sell you a nice beachfront housing lot with views of the Sea of Tranquility?

MCDennis's picture
this is a joke right... none

this is a joke right... none of this is proof of anything

CyberLN's picture
I do tend to believe that

I do tend to believe that Nyar is the Potato King of Mars as claimed.

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