An open question to all you Christians out there.

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Andrew McArthur's picture
An open question to all you Christians out there.

Hello everyone. Seems like lately you can't take a step around here without treading on some Jesus freak's toesies. So I thought I might take advantage of the situation to try and achieve some clarification on matters biblical.

Just let me see if I've got my "facts" straight.

God made Adam and he was the first man
Then God made Eve
They had two sons: Cain and Abel
Cain killed able in true biblical fashion
Cain got sent away

So my question is this, who did Cain have babies with?


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Mitch's picture
Yes, actually, it was monkeys
Andrew McArthur's picture
You sound more like a lion
Andrew McArthur's picture
Apparently the Christians
Luther's picture
I am not on here to argue the
mjfermalino's picture
then why it wasnt stated in
Ilovequestions's picture
Conor nailed it :)
Andrew McArthur's picture
Well colour me stoopid!
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Actually that is the
Andrew McArthur's picture
I prefer monkeys, they're
ImFree's picture
“Unfortunately, the
ThePragmatic's picture
Hold it! Don't forget, all of
ImFree's picture
Yep….” The Rest of the Story”
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
One could solve the problem
ThePragmatic's picture
One would think such an event
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You have the creation of the
Luther's picture
Of course, ultimately, for
ImFree's picture
I remember being told that
Rownee's picture
Shortly after Cain beat his
Austin Hodge's picture
Hypothetically, he may have
watchman's picture
I think you are referring to
Austin Hodge's picture
Oh, that's her name! Lilith.

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