"One Nation Under God"

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Belle.Marie's picture
"One Nation Under God"

It's been heavily debated whether the phrase "one nation under God" should be removed from the Pledge of Allegiance. Everyday students in public schools recite these words, regardless of their viewpoints. This, of course, promotes the Christian doctrine and, essentially, encourages Americans to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. As an atheist, I object to this. As an American, I object to this. Public schools should not have a bias towards any religion, considering they are funded by taxpayers.

Unfortunately, I made the mistake of discussing this was a born-again Christian. He quickly dismissed this idea, stating that Christian values are the foundation for this country and, as a result, should not be changed. He also believed that "one nation under God" applied to religions other than Christianity, and didn't assert a bias towards Christianity.

I politely disagreed; "one nation under God" only applies to a select group. "God" is singular, eliminating any polytheistic religions, such as Hinduism. The term "God" does not equate to "Allah", meaning this phrase doesn't apply to Islam. Lastly, Buddhists and secular thinkers refute the existence of a deity. There are only four major world religions and only one major religion applies to this phrase.

If anyone else has anything else to add, I would love to hear it! - Belle Marie



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Deforres's picture
Being a Russian who just
the_believer's picture
What what?
Deforres's picture
I did not know that.
the_believer's picture
Then it is significant that
ThePragmatic's picture


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Sir Random's picture
Mind if I download that Prag?
ThePragmatic's picture
Of course not, just keep my
Deforres's picture
Your doomed, Prag. Jk
Nyarlathotep's picture
I'd suggest that the nation
the_believer's picture
You could also assert that
Nyarlathotep's picture
It certainly has in the past.
the_believer's picture
So do you treat it
Nyarlathotep's picture
M. V. Reeves - "If both the
the_believer's picture
If you could prove that the
Nyarlathotep's picture
I'm not quite sure how to
the_believer's picture
I can work with the
mykcob4's picture
No, you can't a teacher can
Deforres's picture
What was that about someone
the_believer's picture
Nothing, Forres. I have
LongDoggy's picture
"Under God". Methinks that
Sir Random's picture
I wouldn't use that umbrella
the_believer's picture
That's ironic, as such
Sir Random's picture
Trite or not, they are a part
the_believer's picture
Actually, I meant it as a
Sir Random's picture
Ah, my apologies.
mykcob4's picture
Two things.
Sir Random's picture
I know. As someone who is
algebe's picture
At elementary school in the
chimp3's picture
BelleMarie: "It's been
curtisabass's picture
A high court (I'm not sure if


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