Oh my, they can pray while chatting?

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mysticrose's picture
Oh my, they can pray while chatting?

I once saw 3 old women inside the catholic church. They are all praying with their kneels when I saw them. I sat 2 seats behind them until I noticed one woman whispered to the woman beside her, then that woman whispered to the next woman. Then they go back praying the rosary again, after a minute the third woman whispered back to the woman in the middle and so on, then they go back praying the rosary agaim. It was clear for me that they are not really focus on meditating with the rosary because they chat at the same time. Oh how good they are in multi-tasking. lol!

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Rob's picture
Those people hardly ever have
efpierce's picture
On the contrary, they do
firebolt's picture
There are so many ways to
Zaphod's picture
I agree with firebolt here!
SammyShazaam's picture
Yep. Speaking in such a way
mysticrose's picture
Actually, when I was a
SammyShazaam's picture
I think someone's god said
James's picture
the other day i went to a
SammyShazaam's picture
There's absolutely nothing
mysticrose's picture
Oh yeah, that's why they're
ginamoon's picture
I believe that praying can be
SammyShazaam's picture
I'll bit the bullet and be
knomar's picture
Haha, this is funny! Actually
SammyShazaam's picture
Hey, maybe they know
knomar's picture
Hehe... Sammy you should
SammyShazaam's picture
Lol! Someone should remind
DarkLight's picture
hahaha tghats so funny. Even
mattyn's picture
It does seem that a lot of

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