As a former Muslim (which was not my will to accept it, just inherent), I have witnessed plenty of obsessions and repetitions in Islam. I still observe all of them as I am still in Turkey and everyone around me believe in Islam. Let me mention about some of them below:
1. Entering into a bathroom/toilet with left leg first. And the right one is waiting to be used for exit.
2. Entering into the house, mosque or any clean place with the right leg first. And the left one is used for exit.
3. Using the right hand for eating and drinking. Left hand is for cleaning your genitals in the toilet.
4. Obsessions while mentioning holly words. For instance, say Allah's name for 99 times, or say 33 times Suphanallah, Elhamdulillah and Allahu Ekber consecutively, which will be totally 99 at the end, or say any pre-determined word or phrase for certain times in order to be granted a wish. These are countless, and contain specific numbers for lots of prays.
5. Saying "be free" for three times in order to divorce from your wife. (Wifes are not authorized to divorce from their husbands.)
6. Say Bismillah before starting to eat or do something.
I don't know if other religions have also this kind of obsessions. If you also know some oddities for Islam or any other language, please share your ideas.
Alkibiades from Turkey
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