Obnoxious FB post, what's the most effective way to counter it?

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oOOOo's picture
Obnoxious FB post, what's the most effective way to counter it?

This post
offended me pretty good.

Two people I know "liked" it, so it kept showing up in my newsfeed.

Basically, it describes atheists as people who attempt of proselytize unattended young girls on airplanes. And then get verbally whipped in the process. But really, it was the creepiness of the depiction that was most annoying.

IMO, crap like that shouldn't be allowed on facebook or anywhere. Facebook disagreed. Perhaps if a few more people reported it as an annoying religious attack they might start to get the point.

Worth fighting? Many people "report" the post? Or a different method?

Or water-off-a-duck's-back time?

Thanks for listening,

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The Profit Ezekiel's picture
oOOOo - - I'd just ignore it.
SammyShazaam's picture
A lot of people are saying
Grubmeister's picture
I don't mind the fact that it
Zaphod's picture
If you really want the best
mysticrose's picture
It think the whole story is
ginamoon's picture
I think I had read an anti
Lauren's picture
Wow, that joke is so
cookymonster1103's picture
It's probably some dumb joke
SammyShazaam's picture
I'm almost tempted to get
ginamoon's picture
I just visited the given FB
mysticrose's picture
Not all FB posts should be
Rob's picture
FB is completely polluted at
AH Tique's picture
I take this post as an
Zaphod's picture
That was and awkward meme!
SammyShazaam's picture
Wow. I'm generally not one to
Stacieamy's picture
The level of ignorance
John Browning's picture
Of course it should be
Zaphod's picture
Agreed, this is why I am
Trevor's picture
Facebook has become yet
SammyShazaam's picture
I hear what you're saying,
ginamoon's picture
I agree that not all posted

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