Objections to the Trinity

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UnKnown's picture
Objections to the Trinity

21STCENTURYICONOCLAST has asked me to answer objections about the bible by Muslims. For this debate, assume that the Bible and Quran are historically accurate, even though that might be inconsistent, for the sake of the debate, just assume so. I believe that if the Trinity is proven correct, then Islam is false. The idea of the Trinity is that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are distinct but also one. They are not separate, but distinct. They are distinct by their names, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and are also distinct by their individual purpose. However, they are one due to their unified, holy, nature. Think of it like matter (solid, liquid, matter) or time (past, present, future).

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chimp3's picture
The Bible and Koran are both
UnKnown's picture
I said to assume they were
chimp3's picture
Not interested in your
UnKnown's picture
I'm asking what your
chimp3's picture
Unknown: No objections. It is
UnKnown's picture
Can you please explain what
chimp3's picture
A little lighthearted poke at
UnKnown's picture
I don't even understand what
chimp3's picture
A mocking satire of the
UnKnown's picture
What would you like to debate
chimp3's picture
Unknown: Why does your
UnKnown's picture
Because ideas deserve to be
chimp3's picture
Unknown: I left the Catholic
UnKnown's picture
What are the merits in
LogicFTW's picture
My rebuttal is you can not
UnKnown's picture
Apologies about my spelling.
LogicFTW's picture
Sorry, did not realize there
chimp3's picture
My rebuttal is that I have no
Sky Pilot's picture
If the Bible is wrong the
whatistruth1838.146's picture
Chimp3 Are you saying that no
LogicFTW's picture
I don't know if chimp does,
whatistruth1838.146's picture
Chimp3 and other atheists do
Nyarlathotep's picture
The truth of an argument
whatistruth1838.146's picture
I'm going to assume that they
LogicFTW's picture
Nope. No statement including
whatistruth1838.146's picture
Well since your statement was
LogicFTW's picture
You are right, you do not
UnKnown's picture
"No statement can be
Nyarlathotep's picture
"No statement can be
UnKnown's picture


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