Now here's a little gem (or two)

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watchman's picture
Now here's a little gem (or two)

"Gay people exist because pregnant women have anal sex, bishop says"


...... OK then.......

And it must be true..... because......

"Russian Archpriest Claims Men Intellectually Superior to Women "


Well there you go ,then

The finest minds of the 7th Century .....

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Tin-Man's picture
W?........ T?......... F?....
chimp3's picture
Unhealthy preoccupations with
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Well bugger me with a feather
Grinseed's picture
And of course eastern
Tin-Man's picture
@Grinseed Re: "A guy at the
algebe's picture
Who has anal sex with
rat spit's picture
There’s an old joke:
ferguson1951's picture
Top ten scientific blunders
Grinseed's picture
Do excuse me Watchman, I hope
Sheldon's picture
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Cognostic's picture
It's a good thing I am
Cognostic's picture
@Grinseed: "I have adopted a
LostLocke's picture
Now here's a little gem (or
xenoview's picture
watchman's picture
@xeno …..
Calilasseia's picture
Meanwhile, back on topic

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