Nothing speciall in the quran? Watch this!!!

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PowerfullSpeaker's picture
Nothing speciall in the quran? Watch this!!!

You think that there is nothing speciall in the quran and that's why you don't believe in the quran. Will you still think like that after watching this?
If you have watched this, do you have any comments?

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Cole Green's picture
Still don't believe in the
CyberLN's picture
You asked if, after watching
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
I don't say you will believe
CyberLN's picture
Israa Saied's picture
The Qur’an has approximately
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
Quran is writed in arabic but
Capt.Bobfm's picture
If nobody understands it, how
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
Firstly, please do not say
CyberLN's picture
You are posting in an atheist
Ellie Harris's picture
Sorry but we atheist, theist,
Lmale's picture
Man its hard to read his
CyberLN's picture
Lmale, why are you saying
Lmale's picture
Because saying its would have
CyberLN's picture
Not possible this person is a
Lmale's picture
Possible sure but since using
CyberLN's picture
All you ever have to do is
Lmale's picture
Atm i dont have the time. I
Lmale's picture
Besides because of memory
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
If you say that muslims are
CyberLN's picture
And yet, they do crimes in
Lmale's picture
Yup religious justify crimes
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
gregpek, i've read the whole
M27Holts's picture
Aye, I have a copy A
Ellie Harris's picture
You cannot prove an
PowerfullSpeaker's picture
I told you, you will not get
Ellie Harris's picture
I have to read a book and
M27Holts's picture
Lmale's picture
Atheists dont commit crimes
Lmale's picture
The worlds intelligence
Hussain142's picture
As an ex muslim what you just


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