Not of this World car sticker

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Lauren's picture
Not of this World car sticker

Here in Southern California there is a notorious 'Not of this World' sticker Christians put on the back of their car. Some stickers span across the entire back window. I not only find the quote (which originates from scripture) to be offensive but also their pride in putting forth such a label. Personally I would like to put something on my car but I don't want it to be an 'atheist' label, more so a quote to make people think. Do you guys have anything on your car?

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Spewer's picture
Yeah, those NOTW stickers are
ginamoon's picture
I would not like to put
mysticrose's picture
I just thought what if there
Spewer's picture
Not making this up - I once
efpierce's picture
The morbid side of religion
Zaphod's picture
Was this anywhere near
mysticrose's picture
I remember a movie I once
Zaphod's picture
I think I actually saw that
firebolt's picture
I don't allow myself any
mattyn's picture
How have I not seen this
SammyShazaam's picture
I don't think I've seen this
Zaphod's picture
I don't know what so
bitterblkcoffeeman's picture
This is my first post to your
Zaphod's picture
Cool, welcome to the forums,
SammyShazaam's picture
Welcome to the forum!
MarkV's picture
I stumbled on this blog
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Travis Hedglin's picture
"I stumbled on this blog
LoisKobb1964's picture
I find bumper stickers fun to
Kataclismic's picture
I haven't seen this one at
Michael Fisher's picture
It's really annoying how
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Neothe
Sapporo's picture
Billions of people around the
Sapporo's picture


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ZeffD's picture
"It's really annoying how
watchman's picture
@Neothe ....
Kayla Lipker's picture
As a Christian I am just
mykcob4's picture
@ Missionary girl
mickron88's picture
wow i think this thread is
William00's picture
I've always been interested


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