Not Open Minded

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That's A Fallacy's picture
Not Open Minded

From personal experience, and from looking at these forums for about 2 months, I can conclude that no religious person is truly "open minded." Any creationist I have ever had a discussion, debate, or argument with keeps going back to the same ignorant claims that I can't answer. And they use a great deal of fallacies. And whenever I prove them wrong they (1) change the argument or (2) think of a unreasonable claim that my proof is wrong. Also, I have seen a great deal of Christians SAY they are open minded, when truly, they are never going to change their religion. Some Christians my say that "you're not open minded you're not gonna change." And the difference is a great majority of atheists were raised by another religion, and found the truth themselves through evidence. People from other religions were either born religious or they needed something to salvage them. God is unreasonable, and illogical because we have no real proof. I think atheists understand this. Now, if there's a mistake I made, I would like to hear it, and Christians, feel free to ramble on about how you're open minded and all atheists are wrong, because God "spoke" to you.

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Capt.Bobfm's picture
Nobody was "Born" religious,
Michael J. Vecore's picture
I've started to come to the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
being open minded is giving
mysticrose's picture
If religious people will

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