Not Bacon

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AJ777's picture
You’re asking for proof that
arakish's picture
No. I am demanding that you
AJ777's picture
Arakish, again you’re saying
arakish's picture
AJ777: “I don’t know how to
CyberLN's picture
AJ777, please be advised that
arakish's picture
Sorry CyberLN. I did not
CyberLN's picture
Ok, we will have this
AJ777's picture
CyberLN, thanks I wasn’t
Cognostic's picture
That eliminates god, murder,
AJ777's picture
It will always be immoral to
Nyarlathotep's picture
If morality was objective,
AJ777's picture
It’s obvious to most people.
Cognostic's picture
Obviously the statement is
toto974's picture
And this is really written, i
xenoview's picture
Morality is subjective, comes
turning_left's picture
Comparing the UN's scientific
Hitch's picture
AJ777's picture
Why would it be impossible?
Hitch's picture
@ AJ777:
Grinseed's picture
"Thou shalt not suffer a
xenoview's picture
AJ, do you follow the ten
arakish's picture
@ AJ777
DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense's picture
Guy's, guy's, (and girls)
CyberLN's picture
Please define and then
toto974's picture
Love is a physiological
Foe4500's picture
FYI the rapture is happening
AJ777's picture
“But of that day and hour no
toto974's picture
AJ777's picture
That’s is Matthew.
Foe4500's picture
b.s to that aj777 we got


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