Noah's Ark

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Adaptt's picture
Noah's Ark

I know you guys are all smart, so I want to give a fun topic that's easy. I want anyone to list everything they can possibly think of that opposes Noah's ark.

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Burn Your Bible's picture
Did you not see Evan Almighty
Pitar's picture
I think Mark Twain covers it
xenoview's picture
If the flood covered all
Burn Your Bible's picture
Ok I will be serious...
Keith Raye's picture
Jesus, man, you're talking
MCDennis's picture
No evidence of a global flood
Sheldon's picture
Where did all the water come
Keith Raye's picture
algebe's picture
How did the koalas, kangaroos
Keith Raye's picture
Not to mention food for them
chimp3's picture
What opposes Noah's Ark? An
Burn Your Bible's picture
Why no theists defending this
Chica__2009's picture
I have no idea how serious or


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Keith Raye's picture
Burn Your Bible's picture
I know Keith, i was hoping
Keith Raye's picture
You'll be lucky. They know
Burn Your Bible's picture
Can't blame an atheist for
Keith Raye's picture
No, you can't. But you can
Flamenca's picture
I can't believe my eyes. You


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algebe's picture
@Believerbot: "he just needed
algebe's picture
Angiebot, why have you become
Flamenca's picture
Algebe, since @Breezy has so
Nyarlathotep's picture
Believerbot - I'll have God
Flamenca's picture
Burn Your Bible's picture
Shit you got me!!!!! @
Flamenca's picture
Among the atheists in this
algebe's picture
@Believerbot: "Among the
Burn Your Bible's picture
Me go to hell nah, I will
Keith Raye's picture
Aposteriori unum's picture
In order to cover every


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