Noah’s Ark Questions and Answers

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zuzu67's picture
Noah’s Ark Questions and Answers

First, i want everyone to know the story of the flood, is the story of Atlantis. The flood didnt cover the entire earth. The Ark of Noah-the medium of escape from the Deluge, and the mythic means of the perpetuation of the Human Family (afterwards Race). The Post-Diluvian 'Signs of the Zodiac' are here correctly designated as in number 'Twelve'. twelve times thirty are Three-Hundred-and-Sixty, which is not the number of the degrees of this symbolical plan. There are twelve divisions in this ark. The centre space is that through which the 'Dove', or 'Raven', escaped out into the 'open' in search of its new home, or into the restored world when the waters 'went down' or 'disappeared'. Each of the twelve spaces in the accompanying plan contains twenty-five degrees, which make an aggregate of three hundred degrees. The mythical figure contained

in the Ark is presumably that of Noah. It is also evidently the symbolical figure of the 'Saviour', and typically only that of Noah, for the hands are 'crossed', and the feet and hands bear the marks of the 'Incision'--the 'Nails of the Crucifixion (or Passion)'. Twenty-five, the number of the degrees in each space or sign of this 'Noachic Ark', Arca, or Chest (Gigantic), are the number of the Knights of the Garter; with the reserved 'twenty-sixth', or Kingly or Sovereign Seat. In this respect the ark may be regarded as the grand mythic 'Idea' of the 'Round Table'; as that was the production of the central mythic 'Idea' of the 'Sangreal', or 'Sangreil'



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arakish's picture
No. Wrong.
zuzu67's picture
You are contradicting your
Sheldon's picture
I'm starting to lose patience
arakish's picture
I am a professional geologist
zuzu67's picture
“The first clues to the
MrHolbyta's picture
That's not how gravity works.
zuzu67's picture
Am i the geologist that said
MrHolbyta's picture
What journal was this
zuzu67's picture
The concept and the name were
arakish's picture
You are going to trust papers
zuzu67's picture
I never got into the origins
arakish's picture
What do you say about zircon
Grinseed's picture
The Lemur, such as the Lemur
arakish's picture
Edger Cayce readings refer to
arakish's picture
Please provide the source of
MrHolbyta's picture
Goddamn, son. Preach!
zuzu67's picture
you literally are a walking
arakish's picture
And where at the University
Sheldon's picture
"The University of Australia
Sheldon's picture
" Indian Ocean were found to
arakish's picture
Is there any way I could
MrHolbyta's picture
That is a lot of assertions.
arakish's picture
^^^^ What he said... rmfr
LogicFTW's picture
Uh, if the world was not
zuzu67's picture
Did i not say the story of
Sheldon's picture
LogicFTW's picture
Does it matter where it takes
The_Quieter's picture
Here's what actual science
zuzu67's picture
Alright, what was the
chimp3's picture
zuzu! You write pure woowoo!


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