Nice people, these christians

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Nutmeg's picture
Nice people, these christians

A mother and father whipped their 19-year-old son to death with an electrical cord during an all-night spiritual counseling session triggered by his desire to leave their church, a a New York court has heard.

Lucas Leonard was subjected to a 12-hour ordeal by his parents, sister and fellow church members at the Word of Life Christian church in New Hartford, New York, on Sunday, police and witnesses alleged.

His 17-year-old brother Christopher was also beaten and was admitted to hospital in a serious condition.

What kind of insanity is this?

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Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
welcome to stupid

welcome to stupid

ThePragmatic's picture
This kind of total insanity

"Biblical justice" put to practice.

"A mother and father whipped their 19-year-old son to death with an electrical cord"

For friggin 12 hours?!

This kind of total insanity is why I started the thread "The dark side of Theism". All are invited to post this kind of atrocities there.

I hope not only his parents, sister and the other three Church members that were present get punished accordingly. But also their Church! I certainly hope they don't get away clean from this. To make this kind of madness stop, they too must really feel a massive punishment.

Nutmeg's picture
You're right, I could have

You're right, I could have posted this there.

ThePragmatic's picture
Sure, but it's great that you

Sure, but it's great that you posted this. No matter where.

I think many "people of faith" have no idea that this kind of, excuse my language but, SHIT!!! is constantly going on because of their need for a pretend daddy in the sky. They need to be made aware, they can't be allowed to just pretend this doesn't happen.

ThePragmatic's picture
Here they say 14 hours (video

Here they say 14 hours (video). It's the "Word of life, Christian Church".

And the word is "Life" right, that's why they beat their son to death?

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
The problem is that the

The problem is that the people in power do not really want to take action about this.

It seems pretty obvious that mass delusion is the prime cause for allowing such things to happen in the first place.
That really reflects on the state the ones in power want the country to be, by not putting up better laws on what you can teach your children.

This could not have happened otherwise.
If the children are thought that beating your children is illegal, when they grow up they do would not beat their own children.

But it seems that if it is in a religious context everything is permitted.
That is also why we have this huge hate for gays coming from religious people.

In the end all comes full circle from what we teach to our children.

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