New year's eve, let the celebrations commence.

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Sheldon's picture
New year's eve, let the celebrations commence.

OK so in a few hours I have friends and family coming over to get absolutely ruined. I have been cooking since last night, but as this the first new years eve in twenty years without my wife stressing the fuck out of me, it's been a doddle I must say. Just some bread rolls left to make. I'm having a couple of looseners now, or prinks as my fiend's 17 year old daughter tells me they now call them. Though I don't need to preload obviously, this being new year's eve, and my own gaffe.

I thought we could all share our plans if we have them, and maybe any resolutions or plans for the coming year?

Plenty food and drink, and with the bread rolls baked I can now relax, people will be coming over from 18:00, of it's 16:20 here at the moment.

New diet and training regime in new year, as much as my age and health will allow anyway. ;-)

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Tin-Man's picture
Well, the wife has to work
CyberLN's picture
Congrats, Tin! Grandbabies
Sheldon's picture
Tin-Man's picture
I must say today has been one
Cognostic's picture
I think the only places that
CyberLN's picture
For the last twenty years, we
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Drinks with wifie...a nice
xenoview's picture
Happy New Year AR!
boomer47's picture
Sheldon's picture
Well hope everyone enjoyed. I
xenoview's picture
Welcome to the new year and

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