New US dollar coins

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Lauren's picture
New US dollar coins

I recently came across a photo of the new US dollar coin on FB and the person who shared it said she won't accept the coin because "In God we trust" is not on the main face anymore but is instead engraved on the side of the coin. I became peeved when I saw one person after the other supporting her statement and even saying they wanted to boycott the coin. I left a comment saying America is a melting pot of peoples who claim various faiths and non-faiths, it is insulting to see people up in arms over a narrow statement being put on currency which is something everyone uses.

What do you think?

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Zaphod's picture
Well to me it is more a
mysticrose's picture
I think putting god's name on
Zaphod's picture
Perhaps it should be changed
SammyShazaam's picture
Lol, I like that one :) God
Unknowntyper's picture
Actually it is in Timothy,
mysticrose's picture
That was interesting! The
Unknowntyper's picture
"In God we trust" was
Lauren's picture
I think this issue is a big
Unknowntyper's picture
Agreed, and the same with "In
Zaphod's picture
We use the term Sea to
mysticrose's picture
You're right, there are
SammyShazaam's picture
Well, considering the US

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