A New Poster may be worthwhile

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mykcob4's picture
A New Poster may be worthwhile

There is a new poster with a completely NEW perspective. The poster is Mrs. Paul Owczarek. They are a believer but what is different than the nutty theist that we usually get is that they don't seem to have an agenda and like JoC seem to be completely honest about what they are saying. Now I don't agree in the fact that I don't believe in any god, but SHE seems to at least have independent thought. I may indeed agree with some of the things that they post and whatever I do disagree with I can respect that it isn't some programmed nonsense but instead is an honest independent opinion.
However, reading everything that she has posted I find it difficult to actually engage with her. I'm sure I will figure it out. I would love to see those of you much smarter than I give it a go. Could be quite interesting.

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Cognostic's picture
Nothing comes up on a search.
mykcob4's picture
I didn't say that I
Old man shouts at clouds's picture

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