Netflix The Platform

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Whitefire13's picture
Netflix The Platform

I haven’t watched it yet, however I read it is social commentary on “class”.

I plan on evaluating it first to see if it’s something I’ll bring to the boys attention (or at least be prepared if they watch it on their own).

It appears bleak. I wonder if the human qualities of co-operation, charity, volunteering, offering our spending dollars to the 1% (thereby driving ethics through their pocketbook) is considered or ifs it’s just a “dog eat dog” world out there?

I can’t comment yet...but I always wonder before I watch something “what am I suppose to walk away with or buy into?”

Edited to add: Sorry, I always get these afterthoughts. It’s like the “Circle”...after the aliens get the humans to kill each other to reduce their numbers and then release a bunch of PTSD or psychopaths back to earth - yah, nice clean restart...

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Whitefire13's picture
I’m 2/3 through, in and about
algebe's picture
Whitefire13's picture
Spoiler Alert
Whitefire13's picture
Algebe... also thoroughly
algebe's picture
@Whitefire13 I believe wholly
Whitefire13's picture
...a right to be useful...
Sheldon's picture
Eradicating poverty is always
Whitefire13's picture
@Sheldon... necessity, and by
Whitefire13's picture
@Sheldon... Greed is not good
Whitefire13's picture
I had the privilege of
Whitefire13's picture
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