Need Some Help

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CyberLN's picture
There are a number of
Cognostic's picture
Atheism is not a world view.
Neel Skelton's picture
A lot of good thoughts here.
Sheldon's picture
"On the last paragraph, 1)
Neel Skelton's picture
Help me if I'm wrong, but it
Sheldon's picture
"Help me if I'm wrong, but it
David Killens's picture
For myself, it begins with
Neel Skelton's picture
David, I commend you for your
David Killens's picture
I grew up in a religious
mickron88's picture
don't push it Neel, if you'll
mykcob4's picture
Neel Skelton's picture
I understand your suspicion,
Mithridates's picture
In response to your question
Neel Skelton's picture
Mithridates, if there is no
Mithridates's picture
Well on the reverse side is
Neel Skelton's picture
"Every individual has their
CyberLN's picture
“then who are we accountable
Neel Skelton's picture
What if we disagree on
CyberLN's picture
This is getting tedious, Neel
Neel Skelton's picture
I'm sorry you feel that way.
CyberLN's picture
I am accountable not to
Neel Skelton's picture
What if we disagree that
Sheldon's picture
"What if we disagree on
Mithridates's picture
Yes actually we are still
Sheldon's picture
"what right does anyone else
Sheldon's picture
"What if we swing back as a
Sheldon's picture
"if there is no "universal
David Killens's picture
Cognostic's picture
Neel Skelton's picture


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