Need help

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Steven431's picture
Need help

Hi, I'm new to this site, and I must say its very comforting to be able to feel free to express my beliefs and feelings.
Its been 6 1/2 years since I've been free from the brain washing and yoke of religion and I have my Uncle to thank for that.
The problem is my father (A devote Christian) has got a friend of his engaging me in debate's all the time. The truth is I see no reason not to after all us Atheists are Objective and open to listening (not like most creationists who just block there ears and say La La La)
But this past week he posed a question to me that has been bothering me since so i signed up to this forum to seek some help from you guys. He pointed out that all we focus on is Natural Selection and not step one which is mutations. so i looked it up and it is true that mutations is not even 5 percent of the Atheistic literature why? shouldn't we start there as he points out that NS (Natural Selection)only comes after we have a mutation in the genotype that is of some what significance to its survival or reproduction. This guy being a biologist showed me some research on the DNA and posed the following question to me according to which is the only source he found addressing this question there are only 10 million functional Proteins known in existence and the but the amount of possible combinations in the DNA is at least 10 to the 64 power that means 10 with 64 zeros following it so how can we get complex life from 1 single cell it's astronomically improbable? (in truth there is probably way more then 10 to the 64 power)

please someone help me or refer me to someone that could.


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Nyarlathotep's picture
He is pulling a fast one. He
Steven431's picture
Exactly! but I'm not sure
Nyarlathotep's picture
Was your DNA assembled
Mountainman's picture
This friend of your father
dw.beam42's picture
Just because it may be
Travis Hedglin's picture
"He pointed out that all we
Capt.Bobfm's picture
Atheism is the position that
CyberLN's picture
I'm absolutely with the Capt.
Tommy Sweeney's picture
You're getting good answers
Steven431's picture
Thanks everyone, I will
Travis Hedglin's picture
Even if it was astronomically
ThePragmatic's picture
The atheist position is doubt
mysticrose's picture
Oh, I'm not good in DNA
Capt.Bobfm's picture
I think you are holding too
Steven431's picture
Thanks again I will

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