Nearly Half of All Christians Blame Poverty on the Poor

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xenoview's picture
Nearly Half of All Christians Blame Poverty on the Poor

Christians (especially white evangelicals) are the religious group most likely to blame a person’s poverty on their own lack of “effort.” As if people are poor because they choose to be.

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The_Hyphenator's picture
I can believe it. The so

I can believe it. The so-called "Prosperity Gospel" (and the wealthy industrialists and politicians who exploit it) are largely to blame for the current fucked state of the socio-economic climate in the United States. I wonder if the same holds true in other areas of the world; as I understand it, the Prosperity Gospel is mostly an American scourge.

Randomhero1982's picture
I'm not surprised in the

I'm not surprised in the slightest!

I truly hope in my lifetime, all religions and churches are at the very least...
1. No longer state funded
2. Never allowed to avoid tax
3. Cannot be protected from critical inquiry and ridicule

Sky Pilot's picture
According to Yeshua

According to Yeshua Christians aren't supposed to be rich. They are told to sell all of their stuff and to give the proceeds to the poor. They are not supposed to worry about what they will wear or what they will eat because Yahweh will provide what they need.

algebe's picture
"Yahweh will provide what

"Yahweh will provide what they need."

The poor must really need another private jet for Creflo Dollar, because that's all Yahweh seems to provide.

ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
I wonder why Christians give

I wonder why Christians give more to the poor and to charities then. Hmmmm. (Reference coming soon).

algebe's picture
@John 61X Breezy "I wonder

@John 61X Breezy "I wonder why Christians give more to the poor and to charities then."

More than whom?

Because it's deductible? Because a Christian and his money is soon parted? (At least the ones who send money to televangelists)

In any case, Christian charity is dwarfed by taxpayer-funded welfare.

LogicFTW's picture
Christians compared to who?

Christians compared to who? Atheist?

BTW: putting money in the basket at mass does not count as charity or giving to the poor.

ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
Yup compared to atheist : )

Yup compared to atheist : )

LogicFTW's picture
Percent wise or dollar wise?

Percent wise or dollar wise? I too am curious about these numbers.

I actually would not be too surprised if christians gave more money away % wise then atheist on average. Even discounting the dollars they gave to churches, that many theist consider to be donations to charity.

There is a reason why nearly every streetside pan handler writes "god bless" on their signs. (Debateable if those are actual donations.)

Somewhat arguable, but bill gates is mostly agnostic atheist. He believes in morals, but not necessarily god.
The gates foundation currently has around 50 billion in endowments, and is promised a lot more.

Le'ts say 100 million devout christians in the US that donate,(generous approximation imo,) just to match gates foundation alone, each one of these donors would have to give away 500 dollars outside of their church.

Or put another way, if we averaged all agnostic/atheist donor dollars, it seems likely Gates foundation alone puts us over devout christians % wise (total dollars donated divided by number of followers.)

(Warren Buffet is agnostic as well.)

Again, % of household income to charities, I would not be too surprised christians out donate atheist, but I think opposite is also quite likely. Difficult numbers to compile, we may never have a solid answer.

chimp3's picture
Atheists and other

Atheists and other secularists have promoted changes in our societies over the last century that automated assistance to the poor. Medicaid, food stamps, school lunch programs ,FEMA, public schools, parks and recreational departments, subsidized drug treatment programs, Planned Parenthood , defense attorneys, housing, home heating assistance. The list goes on and on. These institutions and programs provide needs automatically without the poor having to wait for rich religious people to get off their asses and help out. So, if you are going to compare how much money believers donate to charities you must also include the taxes paid by secularists (religious or not) .

ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
What in the world?

What in the world?

The funny thing about the word "donate" is that it implies it's voluntary. When was the last time you didn't pay taxes?

chimp3's picture
When secularists fought legal

When secularists fought legal and social battles to create those institutions it was intended they be funded with taxes. Many Americans today are supporting the ACA. By doing so that are volunteering to be taxed.

ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
You have a strange way of

You have a strange way of looking at things. But hey, if paying taxes make you feel like you've made a difference in the world, who am I to tell you you haven't.

chimp3's picture
As you may know , I am a

As you may know , I am a nurse. I work in long term care and hospice. By the time I meet my clients , most have lost their savings , land , homes, etc. There is no way they could afford the room, board, medications, hospitalizations, surgeries, etc. I am proud to live in a society that automatically assumes financial responsibility for their care. I am certain that my taxes are making a difference. I see it every day.

Nyarlathotep's picture
After my recent stay in the

After my recent stay in the ICU, I've got a new found respect for nurses (not that I didn't respect you already Chimp).

ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
Again, that's strange to me

Again, that's strange to me but if that's how you feel fine. In my opinion your taxes could be going to these ppl, or to pave the same high way for the hundredths time. Or worse, to fund another Tuskegee Syphilis experiment we are unaware of.

chimp3's picture
I agree. I applaud the taxes

I agree. I applaud the taxes that go to helping others and abhor the money that goes towards bombing children overseas. That is why I vote for doves not hawks.

chimp3's picture
I have been told that nursing

I have been told that nursing is woman's work. If this is so, it is because it is too tough a job for most men. I work with very smart and tough women. My career has provided me with many sisters.

algebe's picture
@Chimp3: "I have been told

@Chimp3: "I have been told that nursing is woman's work."

It looked like extremly hard and heavy work from my vantage point last time I was in hospital. And often nurses have to deal with violence from drugged and drunk loons every weekend. Years ago in New Zealand I saw a TV commercial campaigning for better wages for nurses. They compared nurses' incomes with those of various other professions, like doctors, teachers, etc. I was interested to learn that a politician is worth six or seven nurses.

Lee Wallace's picture
Do theists do donate to

Do theists do donate to charity, yes they do. But when you exclude tithing they don't.

As for charity, unfortunately its needed -but it shouldn't be.


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