Near Death Experiences and validity

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mickron88's picture


don't even sweat it. he wouldn't listen anyway, he'll just annoy you. remember: rational+religious? you know the answer, it "DOESN'T WORK!!!"

right R.Tank?

Aposteriori unum's picture
Cut it out. Watch Aron Ra or

Cut it out. Watch Aron Ra or Richard Dawkins videos. Watch videos on mathematics our something real. Hell, watch people get hit in the groin. Anything is better than that nonsense. You're wasting mostly your time. I don't fear being dead any more than I fear the year 1245. neither should you. NDE are dreams, nothing more. Fantasy created by your fallible yet very creative ape brain.

Flamenca's picture
Russian-Tank.... Not again,

Russian-Tank.... Not again, pleeeease!


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