Near Death Experiences, unexplainable by Science, says Skeptiko host
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We know people have NDEs. That isn't news or radical in any way. In the same way people have similar dreams. But neither in dreams or in NDEs do people get information about the world beyond what their normal senses can pick up: there is no evidence that they are out of body experiences.
If you want us to convince us of thesupernatural, then you need to start producing supernatural results.
The logical fallacies are strong with this one!
Sorry about the other guys being so dismissive, but you might want to read this or this or even this
I am a registered nurse. One time I was admitting a man to the Rehab Unit from ICU. This involves a physical assessment and an interview with patient. I was asking him the interview questions and he began to tell me about his NDE. I pretended I did not hear him and asked the next question. He may have been a bit put off but I do not have time for that shit.