Near Death Experiences? hallucination or not?

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sheperd343's picture
Near Death Experiences? hallucination or not?

Ok so i have been thinking about near death experiences and i am whanting to know what you guys think about them and the reasons behind why people have "memories" when they are revived from there near death experiences and why they say that they had seen "god" or some other deity or all power full being while they were near death or dead momentarily and that they had a "out-of-body experience" where they had no body and could not control their movements. my opinion its the brain trying to lessen the pain of dieing and makeing a person hallucinate that they are seeing something good and peaceful so that it dulls the pain but thats just my opinion so what do you guys think about it! have a good day(or night)!

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Rob Beasley's picture
My father, a good and true
sheperd343's picture
thanks for commenting and i
Rob's picture
It's simply a form of
sheperd343's picture
yes! i was thinking the same
Zaphod's picture
If I did not have to enter my
Zaphod's picture
While it's possibly a
ginamoon's picture
I have heard some near death
Zaphod's picture
Agreed, I remember starting
mysticrose's picture
With all the complexity of
Zaphod's picture
I remember asking myself
firebolt's picture
I would think that it's just
SammyShazaam's picture
I agree. Many of the common
Zaphod's picture
I have made mention of my own
mattyn's picture
You were poisoned? Who does
SammyShazaam's picture
Yeah, poisoning is so 19th
Zaphod's picture
Yeah, but cowards still do it
efpierce's picture
Wait, wait,wait. Not to get
Zaphod's picture
Are you still with Her, some
ginamoon's picture
I experienced being a bit
AnimalLeader's picture
The tunnels and the light are
ginamoon's picture
It is really confusing since
Zaphod's picture
Can you provide a link to
efpierce's picture
Ginamoon makes a good point.
Zaphod's picture
Sammy studies neural science
SammyShazaam's picture
...that's the first time I've

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