my story and some questions

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Ilies Bekhtaoui's picture
my story and some questions

hi guys i'm ex-muslim (sorry for my english ) i just turned 18 years old i live in muslim countrie so like you should know we all hide from them not because they scare us but even if you try to talk to them they will not listen . from when i was a kid they always tought us about religien how muhammed was a great prophet how he was the best man in humanity but i always asked my self questions that people were answering but i never fund it convensing like every unbeliever go to hell or driking goat pee is good for the health or you can have sex with your dead wife because you own her in life and death and a question that i always asked my self if i men get virgins what a women got ? and more like womans should not approche bananas or carrots because they look like ^^ you know
but as i was rised to love islam with all this i didn't blame islam for that for me islam was religion of peace and all this don't get allong with it so my thing was that those imams were corrupte or israel agent but islam was good ^^
so i searched for mounths and i start funding incoherence i start losing my faith so i started looking at things like they are not like they taught me to see them the thing that made me go out for reall were the proofs i taught during my childhood like mekka is the center of earth scientifically false mekka is the perfecte golden ratio false san paulo is clauser to the golden ratio then mekka and many others so i want to create a blog with your help and my experience about all the scientifically proven false facts that islam claims
PS i'm new at atheism but still i don't believe that god don't existe and don't believe in his existence too (thinks are more complecated and need mere thinking or knowledge) i'm just still searching for the truth and the biggest atheist questions i'm asking my self is gays don't get me wrong if you are gay because i still try to understand gay people are they really born like that is it a chose or both i have many questions that i need to ask but this is too much for now and verry sorry for my english

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CyberLN's picture
Welcome, Ilyas.
AlphaLogica157's picture
Hello Ilyas =)
Ilies Bekhtaoui's picture
cyberLN the thing is that if
AlphaLogica157's picture
Valiya's picture
Travis Hedglin's picture
I will tackle the question
Ilies Bekhtaoui's picture
hi brothers i'm doing some
Travis Hedglin's picture
mjfermalino's picture
im in my observation if

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