My Father Is Real

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KevinG777's picture
My Father Is Real

My father is GREAT, he loves me and YOU, you have sinned against him numerous times yet he STILL loves you, why can't you realize that?, he exists, I KNOW this as a fact, I will give him glory no matter who criticizes me for my belief, no... KNOWLEDGE. God I love you, deliver me from the temptations of this world and from all evil. Satan I rebuke you!
(True fact: EVERYONE is born with knowledge of God's existence, most people deny it because they're angry at God for something)

God loves you and so do I

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watchman's picture
Oooh look ........
KevinG777's picture
Haha, you're funny, in fact I
Jared Alesi's picture
Are you sure he told you not
SBMontero's picture
Few times in my life I've
mykcob4's picture
@Child of Christ
KevinG777's picture
*Sigh* I was put up to this
Jared Alesi's picture
A happy accident. The bible
BAACKJD's picture
"The bible is as much a proof
mykcob4's picture
No, god didn't put you up to
SBMontero's picture
@Child Of Christ: That's
Andrew Osiname's picture
How has the Christian God
Jared Alesi's picture
I can respect that. What I
SBMontero's picture
@Ozzy: No god, or gods have
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Preach brother preach!....
Jacob's picture
Umvelinqangi also loves you.
Jared Alesi's picture
Satan loves you too. So does
curtisabass's picture
And don't forget Astarte and
LogicFTW's picture
Another copy and paste
Jacob's picture
Well I know how that feels.
KevinG777's picture
I only fear God, which, if
LogicFTW's picture
So if some heroin addict held
SBMontero's picture
@Child Of Christ: I don't
Nyarlathotep's picture
Child Of Christ - True fact:
CyberLN's picture
CoC, which god?
mykcob4's picture
Hey, Child of christ, I heard
Stu. K.'s picture
If he loves me, he would have
MCDennis's picture
WTF. Your dad loves me. That
mykcob4's picture
KevinG777's picture
He knows you so much, he
SBMontero's picture
@Child Of Christ: That's


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