Mutated computer program

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Mutated computer program

Valiya, remember when you told me that all that [I] have to do is show [you] an example of a computer which took on new functions by adding bits?

So I got bored at work and wrote a little program. This program (let's call it program A) takes a different program (program B) and alters it randomly by replace 1 letter with a random letter. It then tries to run program B, and spits out interesting results. I ran it 2000 times (that is it started with the original code and mutated it once, then tried to run it, rinse repeat 2000 times).

The unmodified program B is:
def f(x,y):
print x+y
Or simply, print the sum of 3 and 7.

After 'mutation':

About 90% of the time, program B crashes (which program A is protected against), so nothing is returned.

About 5% of the time, program B runs, but fails to print anything.

About 2% of the time program B runs as expected. Often times this is because a character was inserted that does nothing, like an extra space in many locations won't produce a noticeable difference in the output of function B.

About 2% of the time, one of the numbers being input in to Program B got altered (like maybe the 3 got changed to an 8).

About 1% of the time, program B runs but outputs something very unexpected. I expected to see certain mutations, and I actually saw very few of those. But I did see several very weird one. Below is a list of the ones I thought were interesting. It displays the new mutated version of the function, the output it gave, the mutation number when this occurred, and my description of the mutation.

def f(x,y):
print x-y
output = -4
mutation number: 59
Notes: Turned the addition function into a subtraction function. This is one of the few I actually anticipated.
def f(x,y):
print -+y
output = -7
mutation number: 252
Notes: This one returns the negative of y. Similar mutation in 1923.
def f(x,y):
print 8+y
output = 15
mutation number: 315
Notes: This one changed to a function that just returns y + 8, similar mutation occurred in 382, 384, 491, 11, 15, 1004, 1161, 1283, 1328, 1502, 1538, 1583, 1591, 1698, 1938.
def z(x,y):
print x+y
output = False
mutation number: 828
Note: This one renamed the function to z (instead of f), so when it tried to call it, it used the wrong name which returns the output: False
def f(x,y):
print x%y
output = 3
mutation number: 936
Notes: This mutation changes the function from calculating the sum of the 1st and 2nd number, to calculating their modulo.
def f(x,y):
print x

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ThePragmatic's picture
Nice work. An extremly
Nyarlathotep's picture
LOL! Yeah, I want to do more
Rohan M.'s picture
You know, the way you said
Nyarlathotep's picture
Yeah, I tried to make it
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Valiya - "From what i can
Valiya's picture
Hi Nyarl
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I'll tell you how the
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Please don't think I am being
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Yes, that part of the program
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this is what i found in line
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this is what i found in line
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that is the correct line of
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"I'm not going to explain the
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yes exactly... The length of
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how does the computer
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the method of generating
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Nyarl... i am trying to
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I just told you, simply
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is the last (digit, time etc)
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the last digit from the heat
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Look i am not complaining...
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Ok sure. Meanwhile I've been
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Partitioning the hard drive
Nyarlathotep's picture
that is one of the things I
mysticrose's picture
That is really interesting. I
mdeepm's picture
Very interesting and a good
ThePragmatic's picture
It is a really interesting
Kreston's picture
Friends. I absolutely agree
salimakhan888's picture
Indeed, very good that this
carlmarx's picture
That's all the fantasies of


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