Muslim converts ?

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abdrauf786's picture
Muslim converts ?

Guys so i am watching theist and atheist videos in youtube. So today i watched few vids of people who converted to islam . I dont understand why do these people are converting to Islam . There is this young guy 'Michael Atwood' who is a convert and make videos about his conversion story and messages to muslim . Here is a video he posted in his channel .( ) people like this really confuses me . I mean i feel like why would non muslims come to islam if its false and these guys say that atheists are making lies about quran, muhammed , etc to belittle islam . I dont know what to do .


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Tracy245's picture

This one isn't really related to converts, but please have a look at this link. It may help you with some of your questions. It might be an idea to join their forum.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Abdul Rauf Bin Jamal -"I mean

Abdul Rauf Bin Jamal -"I mean i feel like why would non muslims come to islam if its false"

Clearly people convert to all kinds of religions every day, and I bet you think most of those religions are false. Therefore people convert to religions you think are false every day, so this is no reason to think that Islam is special.

Of course you asked why they do it. I don't have an answer for that, but clearly it is not the mark of a true religion.

Nutmeg's picture
There are always the naive

There are always the naive and weak-minded.

Danny Craft's picture
Yo! :)

Yo! :)
.. People end up converting to a religion because it gives them hope of a better life after this one, this mess we're living in. Ironically, the mess that is, in great part, caused by religion! .. But religion plays on fears and hopes, it wears minds down until it's suddenly a part of their lives.
The incredible human imagination working against itself in a devastating battle.

As for depression and suggestions for articles.. We're in control of our lives, and so what articles we read or videos we watch. We chose to read/watch something that either backs up our beliefs, or something that goes against them. Along the way we decide (through our upbringing, experience, education and environment) what we believe in. This belief, all of our beliefs, together, are what shape humanity as a whole and are responsible for our effect on the environment. So many differing beliefs are illogical and dangerous considering that we all share the same home (planet.) And of course as a result, we are catastrophically destroying the place, and only together can we be in enough control to stop it.. So me personally, I control my beliefs as much as I can.
.. I believe in change.. If everyone did, it would be so.

Chin up man, there is always something to smile about!

We are one

ThePragmatic's picture
Sorry to hear that you feel

@ Abdul Rauf Bin Jamal

Sorry to hear that you feel depressed.
I think it's quite natural when people realize they have been tricked. But it's probably mostly how you look at it: You have become aware. Now you have the chance to re-discover the world. To build up your own beliefs, not just listen to what others tell you to believe. We live in a remarkable, beautiful world. There is so much that people can look forward to: education, travel, meeting people. The quest of finding answers can itself be the purpose of life.

And you are certainly not the only Muslim to have doubts. Here are some links I collected for just this purpose:

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