Most hypocrite religious person you met

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mysticrose's picture
Most hypocrite religious person you met

Who was the most hypocrite religious person you met? I met this man who was a former seminarian and knows the bible well enough, unfortunately upon knowing him more, I found out that he is not kind as what he showed to other people. He hurt the people who loves him and do fraud things. As of now, I consider him as the most hypocrite person I met. I don't know If there is more hypocrite than him. How about your experience?

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Matty Arnold's picture
Any Christian who opposes gay
SammyShazaam's picture
On that note, I will cite
Walker's picture
I know this righteous guy
efpierce's picture
I think it is the most
James's picture
Yes, the most religious
DarkLight's picture
Religious people tend to make
SammyShazaam's picture
And right along with that,
mysticrose's picture
In fairness to some religious
James's picture
i actually have a list of the
mysticrose's picture
Your sister? That was
SammyShazaam's picture
I've heard some horror
Zaphod's picture
I had a neighbor who was a
mysticrose's picture
That was gross! They really
mattyn's picture
Oh my that really is quite
mysticrose's picture
I just can't imagine why

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