The most dangerous Abrahamic religion on the planet today

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Truett's picture
The most dangerous Abrahamic religion on the planet today

I seriously can't tell which of the Abrahamic religions are worst right now. Which is most totalitarian right now. Which requires our most urgent attention right now. (I wrote this in a separate thread and decided to make a new forum topic.)

Evangelical Christianity has given the world's most powerful military and tools of extinction to a pitiless, empathyless, narcissistic autocrat and is urging him to war against the enemies of America and god with the full might at his disposal. They urge him to callously harm over 200 million Americans because of their gender, race, religion, income, sexual orientation, contrary political views, or insistance on relying on science based information about our environment. They urge him to place a subset of Americans' interests over those of the other 7.2 billion humans on this planet and to ensure that the chosen Americans win and every other human loses. They urge him to reject the demonstrable science of greenhouse gas emmissions because god has the whole world in his hands and we're going to heaven soon so earthly concerns don't matter. And they demand that he mandate teaching impressionable young people that god made the world and that evolution, radiometric dating, and the paleotological and archaeological records are not to be believed. They are risking the annihilation of most life and species on this planet. They are the most powerful religious group in the history of the solar system and they are self-righteously assured that they'll live forever in heaven regardless how grissly things get down here on earth.

Catholics support a number of these hideous dangers, plus they demand that hundreds of millions of humans in Subsaharan Africa and Central and South America not use condoms because cardinal sins of the flesh are worse than contracting the AIDS and Zika viruses and infecting children. Hundreds of millions of deaths are being caused right now by their iron age policies. They advocate for the continued and accelerated overpopulation of our planet. And they insist that adult male virgins adopt unhealthy celibate lifestyles then live their neurotic sexual lives in constant private contact with children for decades, then the church recycles those delusional pedophiles into fresh crops of children when they've spoiled the crop of kids currently under their control.

Islam demands that all humans on the face of the planet submit to sharia law and abide by the preachments and dictates of a pedophile warlord from the 7th Century. They demand that neither Mohammed nor Allah be drawn, questioned, critisized, opposed, or in any way disagreed with. The Islamic faith demands that women be subservient to men and under mens' physical and emotional control. The Koran dictates that anyone who changes their mind about Islam be executed for apostacy, and that homosexuals be killed. And their holy book urges unending hostility with their Abrahamic co-religionists.

The followers of Judaism, while tiny in number, unhelpfully insist that a barren patch of contested land is theirs by order of god. The fact that the ground is supposedly where Jesus was crucified and promises to return and where Mohommed supposedly rode a winged horse and flew up to heaven is of less importance to them than their own demented fairy tale. Followers from across the world support the zionistic policy of turning the blade in the bellies of muslims instead of recognizing the insane level of damage done by dominating the holy land, dome of the rock, Jerusalem, and all that the 4 billion-plus Abrahamic adherents seem to hold dear. Oh, and they insist on controlling the Valley of Megido where hostile American evangelical christians plan on holding the battle of armageddon to end all life on this planet.

I'm convinced that humanity's single greatest mission at this point in time should be freeing itself from religion, and the Abrahamic religions are without question the first that needs to go. What do you think?

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MCDennis's picture
No PC BS. The answer is
ImFree's picture
I think secular societies are
Endri Guri's picture
Islam is the one I'd get rid
Pitar's picture
@ Truett...
Truett's picture
Thanks, Pitar. To answer
Sky Pilot's picture
The worse is Judaism because
BAACKJD's picture
Diotrephes, you've officially

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