Most atheists BELIEVE in the supernatural!

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Tin-Man's picture
@Nyar Re: "Order in the next

@Nyar Re: "Order in the next 5 minutes and you can receive DOUBLE-Extreme-hyper-meganatural First cause!"

Well... Fuck... And just like that... *snapping fingers*... my glorious vision of Nobel Prizes, fame, and fortune gets flushed down the toilet in a most unceremonial manner... *heavy sigh*...

Calilasseia's picture
Meanwhile, it's time to

Meanwhile, it's time to address this drivel ...

Atheism is deceitful

Bullshit. NOT treating unsupported mythological assertions uncritically as fact, the way mythology fanboys do, is as ruthlessly discoursively honest as it's possible to be.

Let's see what other garbage you're peddling here, shall we?

because atheists often pretend that they have no beliefs concerning origins.

We leave "belief" to mythology fanboys, because at bottom, belief is nothing more than uncritical acceptance of unsupported assertions.

On the other hand, with respect to the origin of life, those of us who paid attention in class, recognise that this is properly a scientific question, and as a corollary, turn to those scientists for whom this is a research remit, and ask what ideas said scientists present, and what supporting evidence for those ideas they have to offer. And I can tell you now, that said scientists have a large body of evidence in support of their current postulates, courtesy of the fact that every chemical reaction postulated to be implicated in the origin of life works. Even though I've only read a fraction of the tens of thousands of papers documenting relevant experimental results, I'm aware that scientists have built a robust and consistent case for their postulates, something that has never happened with blind mythological assertions.

That is patently not true.

Bullshit. See the above. What part of "we have experimental evidence to support the relevant scientific postulates" do you not understand?

They deny having any beliefs or faith, because they know that the only alternative to a Supernatural First Cause (God), is not credible.

Bullshit. How many of the papers on the subject I have on my hard drive, do you want me to bring here to demonstrate that your above assertion is a blatant and egregious lie?

It is ruled out by logic and natural law.

Bullshit. Another assertion on your part that is a manifest blatant lie. How many of the papers on the subject I have on my hard drive, do you want me to bring here to demonstrate that your above assertion is a blatant and egregious lie?

They know that there is no defence for atheism, whether moral, logical or scientific.

More bullshit and lies. Once again, how many of the papers on the subject I have on my hard drive, do you want me to bring here to demonstrate that your above assertion is a blatant and egregious lie?

Over to you, mythology fanboy.

Grinseed's picture
@Capelli Media

@Capelli Media
Your god (or a naturally occurring hereditary genetic condition that leads to otosclerosis) made me completely deaf. Not only am I unfit to be in your god's presence, I can't hear the dialogue in your little video.
Either pray for a miracle to restore my hearing or get subtitles for your presentations. I know which would be easier and more probable. Thanks.


"How do you prove lack of belief in a god or gods. Do I need to take your word for it?"

I suppose you would Flatland, but theists have it easy.

You only have to accept that atheists reject theist claims for the existence of gods.

Atheists are faced with theist claims of belief in unevidenced, universe-creating, omnipotent deities, that desire intimate personal relationships, adulation and worship in exchange for incredible death defying magic powers and immortality as well as having to concede that we are detestable lesser beings doomed to suffer eternal torment and pain if we don't accept these inexplicable and irrational suppositions that defy all natural reason.

Simon Moon's picture

1) If the law of gravity existed, how is that nothing?
2) Where did the law of gravity come from?
3) How can a law of gravity exist before that which gravity relates to ... i.e. matter

"the universe can and will create itself from nothing"

4) How can something create itself, without pre-existing its own creation?
(A) could possibly create (B), but how could (A) create (A)? Of course it can't.

Here is your problem in a nutshell.

The physical laws of the universe are not prescriptive, they are descriptive.

They are the way we describe certain aspects of the universe.

The universe did not need to 'create itself', if it always existed in some other form. All it needed was a change of state to expand into our local presentation of the universe.

But your biggest flaw in thinking, is one enormous argument from ignorance. Just because the origin of our local presentation of the universe is currently unknown, that does not provide any credence to your hypothesis that 'a god did it'.

Whitefire13's picture
Tin... steal away. Jim and

Tin... steal away. Jim and Bob are somewhat original, but the idea is built on greater minds (which I stole) - and thus human “knowledge” is passed along.... exchange, please let me know what the Extreme-hyper-meganatural expects from us natural beings or does it only rule the supernatural?

Tin-Man's picture
@Whitefire Re: "...please

@Whitefire Re: "...please let me know what the Extreme-hyper-meganatural expects from us natural beings or does it only rule the supernatural?"

Thankfully, we are in luck. The Supernatural is sub-contracted by the Extreme-hyper-meganatural that put the Supernatural in charge of the Natural to control as it sees fit. Therefore, as far as I can tell, we "naturals" shouldn't be too concerned about Extreme-hyper-meganatural.

Even so, you will have to ask Nyar about his level above Extreme-hyper-meganatural. That one is just too far out of my league for me to make speculations about it.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
And yet another self

And yet another self promoting theist eager for the spoils of YouTube fame and the title of "influencer" invades the atheist forums to promote his own (actually very secondhand) views on his personal delusion of a god.

It's a poor quality production attempting to promote a specific viewpoint using a third party story. Its as interesting as a cow patty in a field of cows.

A poor, witless argument tops off the viewing experience. No stars.

How many clicks and subs did you get, champ, since you self promoted here? Muppet.

LogicFTW's picture
@OP by Capelli Media

@OP by Capelli Media

Can you demonstrate any evidence whatsoever of your particular god idea?

I am willing to stake all my money and life on the answer being you can't. Billions of humans have been trying to evidence their god ideas for thousands of years. In all that time... zero, zip, nothing. Meanwhile in those thousands of years a bunch of god ideas fade to obscurity while new god ideas and large edits to old god ideas arise to take their place. An endless cycle of unevidenced ideas circulating around the god idea.

Mutorc S'yriah's picture

@Capelli Media

The atheist replacement for God is summed up in a single sentence written by Hawking:
"Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing"
That is it .... problem solved - apparently!

The secularists in the popular media loved it, as far as they were concerned the problem certainly was solved.
So just how credible is the atheist claim that God has been made redundant?
And just how 'scientific' is Hawking's replacement for God?

Shall we analyse it?
"Because there is a law of gravity ....

1) If the law of gravity existed, how is that nothing?
2) Where did the law of gravity come from?
3) How can a law of gravity exist before that which gravity relates to ... i.e. matter

"the universe can and will create itself from nothing"

4) How can something create itself, without pre-existing its own creation?
(A) could possibly create (B), but how could (A) create (A)? Of course it can't.
This is a highly uneducated exposé, which ignores or dismisses huge quantities of scientific research and written papers written about these matters. Essentially, we don't yet know all of the answers, and that's good enough for now. To say goddidit, is just a presumption, with pretty much no evidence - you know - 'god did it and that's it' - apparently.

The posting misrepresents what scientists say and have said. For example declaring that Hawking merely said: "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing", misses out all of the written work the man would have made in support of this idea. He would have had reams of words and numbers to explain how he came up with such a statement, (if indeed he did put it like that). So NO . . .
@ Capelli Media { That is it .... problem solved - apparently!} . . .
is wrong, it's NOT IT, and it's 'MERELY IT - APPARENTLY', to the uneducated and ignorant.

If you want the answers to these questions, Capelli, you probably should get a university education and advanced qualification in astrophysics and cosmology or similar, then enter into discussions with people who know what is known about these matters, (ie. your would-be peers). Then go and do your own scientific research, have your findings discussed at relevant scientific conferences, then published in legitimate peer reviewed journals with recognised authority in the subject areas, then maybe you' ll have the answers you seek. On the other hand, maybe you don't really want any answers unless the only answer that will do you is, goddidit. And that explains nothing very much.

I must admit that I don't know the answers, but nobody really does. However, there are scientists who at least have some clues and ideas about how to go about finding the answers, (and surely pure philosophy is trumped by actual good scientific research?).

My answer to these matters is: "I DON'T KNOW". And that's good enough, since it's the truth.


Whitefire13's picture

A link to an hour long cosmologist/physicist explaining “nothing” ...

@Fievel re: post 17.... my post may not have been as clear - my response was a “word” game in the sense that “no explanation is ever necessary to have “something” Create the “god”...

However Tin-man cleared this up for me.


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