I have learned recently that mormons baptize people after death. This is the ultimate in arrogance. They say they do it to allow people to get into heaven even though they were not mormon or even christian while alive. Recently they have been baptizing holocaust victims. Apparently jews need to be baptize according to mormons. The heathens need to enter into a christian heaven.
I approached my neighbors who are mormon and asked them about the practice. Apparently a living mormon dons a white robe and is baptized in a person's name, without their consent or knowledge (they couldn't know because they are dead.
Now this seems harmless enough since there is no heaven and your life force (energy) dissipates into space when you die, but it is obtrusive and arrogant and I think even illegal or should be.
These articles are as disturbing as they are interesting.
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Have you read about the magic underwear?
And just when you think the theistic insanity can't possibly escalate further.......
It is a victimless crime.Just like blasphemy.
It's arrogance and illegal.
I suppose some one should file a lawsuit....... But then again, they would most likely counter sue...... Violation of religious rights bs...... Is their even a law that gives religions special rights. I would love to see it, if it exists.
Try this.... but watch your blood pressure.....
I tried to look at it. Got spammed by ads. Nope.
What a disgusting thing for them to do!
It's fucking outrageous is what it is!!!!!
We need a petion. A lawsuit. Something!
I propose we open a thread in which excommunicate Mormons posthumously . As a matter of fact I am going to do that right now.
I can't honestly see where the outrage is coming from in the atheist community. What harm does it do anyone to cast one magic spell over the countless thousands of others people have cast on their bodies before? Is Mormonism like an Instant-speed spell in Magic the Gathering? Does a prayer from Utah enter the stack above other spells? Does wearing magic underwear give you Hexproof or Shroud?
Honestly, it's a meaningless non-crime that should be laughed at instead of scorned.
Laughter is the purpose of my response Perhaps my humor is too dry.
I'll tell you what harm it does. The arrogance of this act is only the tip of the iceberg. The idea that a group can do what it wants to anyone it wants in the name of it's religion manifest into future crimes. Slavery and murder are born out of this type of act. It shouldn't be laughed at or ignored. It should be taken seriously. Hitler was merely laughed at and ignored. We cannot accept the obtrusive idealism of radicals. They can believe what they want but cannot and must not be allowed to act on those ideals whenever it violates the civil rights of others. This is a violation of individuals perpetrated by a religious group. It's is against the wishes of the individuals. The next logical step of subjugation of the deceased is subjugation of the living. That would have to be done by force and will be if one does not stand up to it. that is why what the mormons are doing is outrageous. That's why they are keeping this practice secret. They know that it is a violation of civil rights, and they know that they can and will be stopped if enough people are aware of this practice. If it were legal they wouldn't be so clandestine about it. It's no less a violation of individual freedom as prayer on school or posting the ten commandments in court houses. If we accept that practice then they will be embolden to do even more obtrusive things. Prayer in school, converting the dead, posting commandments in court houses may not cause physical harm, but they are damaging none the less. It's a form of subjugation. It ostracizes those that don't agree with their beliefs. It alienates people for having beliefs different than theirs. It elevates their faith above the law and all others.
And that is why it must be stopped.
I think their actions are silly. Offensive but silly. To compensate for their audacity they believe the person baptized has the option to decline the baptism posthumously. They are actually imagining that there are Jewish people and other heathens who will see their option to join the LDS in a better light after death. "Tired of roasting in that Hellfire? Wouldn't you rather be Emperor of your own planet. The weather is so much nicer." These people are actually sitting around thinking this shit up in the 21st century. Amazing.
One of the many reasons I an EX-moron!!!
Attach Image/Video?:
This from March 2012
"Although the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints promised in 1995 to stop including Holocaust victims in its ritual, the church admitted last week that Anne Frank had been “baptized” in a Mormon church in the Dominican Republic."
I find their actions offensive. My grandmother and her two sisters were the only ones of their family who made it out of the death camps. The mormons likely 'baptized' some of my people. Fuck them. Sideways. I am a Jew. My mother was a Jew. My grandmother was a Jew. None of us has/had a god. My relatives were killed for their heritage. They were incredibly intelligent people who made their own decisions about what they thought. How dare the morons (oops, mormons) for 'baptizing' these people despite their personal thoughts and decisions.
Outrageously arrogant it is! But, do I care? Nope. If it makes them happy to "baptize" me after I'm gone then more power to them! It's kind of funny and insulting all at the same time! What amazes me is how easily people can buy into a religion started by a con artist! Those golden tablets are just so hokey! So are their stories about the origin of Native Americans. And, then, you have the fact that the fraud was exposed practically from the start. Truly, people can believe anything in the name of religion.
Willingly allowing yourself to be disrespected is ussualy a sign of having low self respect......
That someone has essentially private and harmless delusions about baptizing me is neither here nor there. On the other hand, someone trying to publicly characterize me in an unfavorable light, unjustly, does disrespect me. The former is ignored, the latter gets a reply.
Why do harmless, essentially private delusions of some group weigh so heavily on you? Yes, it's arrogance to the max, but surely no one was ever in danger of being baptized! Why give it undeserved credibility? It's a make-believe thing and, perhaps, merits no more concern than someone's belief that faeries own the strawberries in your garden. For those who find a greater offense, perhaps due to special circumstances, feel free to speak out. I might even agree with you!
It's a violation of a person's rights, and an attempt by Mormons to override the religions/lack therof of other people! I don't see how anyone BUT a Mormon could except that occouring!
What part of "private, harmless delusion" don't you understand? It's a big world out there and not every reasonable person is going to share your viewpoint. How does a Mormon delusion override the religious perspectives of other people? Exactly what legal rights are being trampled? I don't get it. At worst, it's a kind of unintended intrusion on one's psychic, annoying mainly to those who take it too seriously. I'm not defending the practice. I'm just saying that it doesn't bug me nearly as much as it does you and others. I'm not a Mormon, so I'm afraid that you will have to re-examine your thinking.
If someone were trying to convince the world that you converted to Christianity on your death bed, that would be an outrageous form of slander. It would be (I trust) a filthy lie. However, you would be hard pressed to convince a jury that the private fantasies of Mormon baptism amount to slander. If not slander, then what would the crime be?
The Mormons have no right to go in and pull this crap on/ for whoever they like. It is disgusting, opportunistic, and downright disgraceful. It goes against every guarantee of freedom of religion, both legally, and constitutionally. I will not standby and watch as these religitards stomp on other people's images and legacy's by babtising them in there religions name after they've died, when they can't defend themselves. It is the penultimate form of disrespecting the dead. There is nothing about "private" that can negate the harm these actions cause. I will not stand for it. I'll start the suite myself if I have too. Nor will I let it being called a delusion stop me. I'll get the every religion I can onboard if I have to. It must be stopped!
It is a dangerous precedent to punish people for offending others. Can then believers sue Sir Random for calling them "religitards"? Me for excommunicating Mormons ? We have a right to be offended but that is all.
I didn't say "offending". Chimp, is much more than that. It's a blantaint violation of religious rights. (which, despite our position, we are protected under)
How does a post-mortem baptism violate anyone"s religious freedom ?
Sir Random,
I would be delighted if it were stopped! It is indeed arrogant and, judging by the responses here, capable of seriously annoying many people. So, I wish you luck in your battle even though Mormon hokey-pokey stuff doesn't seriously bug me. (It does bug me a tiny bit.)
Let's get the mormons to baptize carusmm. They deserve each other.