Morality, How do you defend yourself?

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Ekedo's picture
Morality, How do you defend yourself?

In reasonfest recently in Lawrence, KS we had a very interesting panel going on about morality. What I found is one side boiled the argument down to(Obviously christian side), that a Superior deity God, Allah etc, is requirement in order to be a moral person. If you do any action, it is based on religious morality.

How do you escape/defeat this line of thinking. How do you separate morality from religion? Do you think they can't be separated and that with out Bible or other religion, you would not be a moral person.

One of scariest arguments I've ever heard is that "With out bible I would steal and kill people." Like it's only thing stopping these people from going on a rampage.

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Rob's picture
You escape it with your
Matty Arnold's picture
Morals are innate to humans.
James's picture
there are perfectly good
mysticrose's picture
I don't think that bible is
SammyShazaam's picture
It certainly is not! As the
Trevor's picture
Morals are dictated by how
AnimalLeader's picture
If you need religions to
Rob's picture
I also believe that the more
Lauren's picture
Here is a quote that has
SammyShazaam's picture
I hit "like" :)

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