When we are very young, our parents try to guide us to what they believe is right and wrong. They teach us their sense of morality. As we get older we build on that process and adopt what we personally believe to be right or wrong. When one has grown to maturity, one shouldn't need anyone else or anything else to determine what is right or wrong. If you need a bible to guide you to what is right and what is wrong, you haven't matured into a responsible adult.
I don't know every law on the books, but I know what is right and what is wrong. I do my level best to obey the law unless that law is unjust. Even if the law is unjust I don't go out of my way to defy it.
A bible doesn't in any way determine morality. Society dictates morality. Morality is subjective to the society that creates it. That is a historical fact!
I am so sick and tired of christians claiming that morality comes from their god. It doesn't. And I am fucking pissed that they try and force their morality on everyone else. They have no right to do so. They are immoral for doing so. How can denying an individual their Constitutional rights be moral just because YOU (christian) believe that YOUR bible (your interpretation) gives you the right to oppress other people?
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