Modest clothing

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CyberLN's picture
Modest clothing

I just did an Internet search on "modest clothing" and find it interesting that the hits I got all considered only women's clothing.

There have been a number of stories recently in the U.S. about it as well...photoshopping sleeves onto girls photos in high school year books, girls sent home from school for dress code violations, etc. We also hear about rape trials during which the female victim is asked about what she was wearing.

Do you have opinions on how a woman should dress? That dressing one way or another is good / bad? That modesty is good / bad / advisable / etc? Do you thing clothing rules applied predominantly to women objectify them or support rape culture?

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I think the right question
mysticrose's picture
We have freedom to express
Maximilian's picture
I think we’ve long
xoxosta's picture
I don’t understand how anyone
brandon28283's picture
By systematically using

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