The Misunderstanding of Quantum Physics

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Bruce Nolasco's picture
The Misunderstanding of Quantum Physics

Hi everyone!

I'm Bruce Nolasco, from México. I'm a huge fan of Physics and I love to talk about cosmology and quantum physics. Recently I've been a little disapointed because I've found that in many atheist forums and FB groups there's many people that clasify or tag quatum physics as a "pseudoscience". Many people argue about this because they think that it is scientificaly unproven (or improbable). Even though it is a branch of physics that has been being under research for more than 50 years.

Making a little of analisys, i'm under the suspect that this confusion could have its origin in the recent introduction and over-use of this term in the world of pseudoscientific publications.

What are your thoughts on this topic?

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Ellie Harris's picture
Quantum mechanics is testable
mattyn's picture
That's the best way to look
SammyShazaam's picture
I'm definitely with you on
Anurraagg Kumar's picture
Unless the person talking is
CyberLN's picture
Lots of folks use (or should
Spewer's picture
Personally, I don't consider
atheist_deity's picture
So, it's not that the cause
Schibaka's picture
Im here to break your dreams
Orisons's picture
Do I agree? Until you open
SammyShazaam's picture
Hi Bruce :)
mattyn's picture
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