Miracle advancements

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ThePragmatic's picture
Jesus shows himself again
ThePragmatic's picture
Jesus image appears under
Travis Hedglin's picture
If you pee on him, will he
ThePragmatic's picture
She and her baby was saved
cmallen's picture
Thanks for the video. I will
ThePragmatic's picture
I didn't even reflect over
ThePragmatic's picture
A Christian man can walk
Nyarlathotep's picture
LOL. I had never heard of
ThePragmatic's picture
Blood red waters in Brazil,
ThePragmatic's picture
FSM sighting, http://imgur
cmallen's picture
Looks more like C'thulhu.
ThePragmatic's picture
Splitter! :D
cmallen's picture
My daddy can beat up your
ThePragmatic's picture
Na-uh!! *Throws sand in you
cmallen's picture
I'm telling!
ThePragmatic's picture
Travis Hedglin's picture
Wait, why is your daddy
cmallen's picture
Allen 1:69 of the unknown
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
A miracle:
cmallen's picture
Hmmm... I have the same
ThePragmatic's picture
Mitch's picture
The diminishment of women,
cmallen's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
Humanist miracle fruit!http:/
Pitar's picture
Hey, any chance I can get to
CyberLN's picture
Hahaha, that's perfect!
Mitch's picture
Best evidence of god I've
ThePragmatic's picture
That's obviously why 'Dog'
ThePragmatic's picture
Afther the success of "Jesus
ThePragmatic's picture
"Mom, that's not a picture of


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