A Message To Religious People

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Stu. K.'s picture
A Message To Religious People

I know most (if all) religious people won't listen to this, but I can't not say this.

When I was religious, I thought I was thinking straight and correctly as I said "god will help" or "god has a reason for something that doesn't make sense". I believed those statements were true.

But when I left, then was I able to see religion for what it truly is. You see how religion is set up to trap you in. You see the flaws and how things don't add up. So what I'm saying is that I truly think that you can't honestly see religion for what it is unless you stop believing it. And it makes sense because if you don't let religion control the way you think, then there are no set things you have to think/believe that would influence your thoughts. To further prove this, if you tell someone born and raised an atheist a story about a man in the sky and eternal hell, certainly they would almost certainly think that it's ridiculous. This is because there's no influence on the mind, except true logic instead of faith and misguided morals and whatnot. This is from experience and something I've realized after I left religion. So try it! No devil is helping you, no hell, no sin, and I guarantee you will see that if you can just scrap it.

And, if it doesn't work then you can just pray that you're sorry you lost your faith for a minute :b

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1. Great to hear.


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